Forth Publishing Contract

Delighted to announce that I signed a further 2 contracts with publisher Adelaide Books.

Laura Muncie . Laura Muncie .

Frankfurt Book Festival


It all begins with an idea. ‘What Love Can Do’ picture book started as an idea, a series of images and words while listening to Louis Armstrong singing “What A Wonderful World“ on Alexa. But it really wasn’t a wonderful world, the pandemic was scary, there were no vaccines or treatments. Natural and human disasters were happening around the world and I was searching for the small happy things in life, as some comfort. The words arrived along with images, shaped by things people had said or done, my own experiences, the words of the song, all converged and a book idea arrived. It took over a year for it to be realised in full.

Saturday, thanks to my amazing publishers, ‘What Love Can Do’ was launched at Frankfurt Book Messe and I even got to see my name and the book title on the signing booth.

Make it stand out

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